Brief Histroy Of Department
Courses run by the department:-
Name of Courses:
I. B.A.
II. M.A.
About the Department:-
The Department of
Sanskrit, Bundelkhand College Jhansi was established in the year 1960.The B.A. classes
in the department were started from the academic season 1960-61. The sanctioned
posts in the department are two. Presently, Dr. Jyoti Verma is holding the
responsibility of the department with her sparkling academic potential.
The department was also adorned by Dr. Ranjan Tripathi with his
academic prudence for sometimes and is presently serving the prestigious
University of Delhi as a Professor in the Department of Sanskrit. The
department is carrying forward the academic legacy left by its erudite professors
like S.N.Verma ( founder faculty , U.P. Gov. awardees) and Prof. A.P.
Dwivedi. Many students were conferred Ph.D. Degree under their able
guidance. The Department of Sanskrit provides courses at UG (3 years,
semester system) level. As members and Convener of the Board of Studies in
the past 25 years, the Department faculty has been instrumental in
modifications and revisions of the syllabi. The success rate of the students
has been approximately 90%. The methods of teaching are both traditional as
well as tech-oriented. The teachers regularly organize literary activities like
Group Discussion, Shlok-Gayan, Paper Reading and Poster Exhibition, Quizzes
etc. to enhance the academic potentials of the students and to help them gain
awareness of the latest developments in the literary realms.

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Jyoti Verma |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Qualification | Ph.D. |
Specialization | Sahitya |
Experience | 27 Years |
Address | 99 Khatriyana Manik Chowk, Jhansi, UP | | |
Mobile No : | 9935809789 |