Brief Histroy Of Department
Courses run by the department:-
Name of Courses:
I. B.A.
II. M.A.
About the Department:-

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Sanjay Saxena |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Qualification | Ph.D. |
Specialization | Contemporary Poetry, Nai Kahani, Bundeli Literature and Linguistics. |
Experience | 21 Years |
Address | A 301 Royal Tower Shree Royal City, Jhansi, UP - 284003 | | |
Mobile No : | 9415502268 |

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Navendra Kumar Singh |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Qualification | M. A. (Hindi), Ph.D., UGC (NET) |
Specialization | Modern Literature, Prayojanmulak Hindi |
Experience | 21 Years |
Address | 595/1C.P.Mission Compound, Jhansi, UP - 284001 | | |
Mobile No : | 9369341428 |

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Mr. Anirudha Goyal |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Qualification | M.A. , U.P. SLET |
Specialization | Aanchlikta |
Experience | 12 Years |
Address | 7, Professor Colony Bundelkhand College , Jhansi, UP – 284001 | | |
Mobile No : | 9935119119 |

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Shyam Mohan Patel |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Qualification | NET, Ph.D. |
Specialization | A study of the diverse human sensibilities portrayed in the new story. |
Experience | 03 Years |
Address | Bundelkhand College, Jhansi, UP – 284001 | | |
Mobile No : | 6261068002 |

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Shiv Prakash Tripathi |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Qualification | NET, Ph.D. |
Specialization | Hindi Alochna |
Experience | 03 Years |
Address | Department of Hindi, Bundelkhand College, Jhansi, UP – 284001 | | |
Mobile No : | 8960580855 |

BKD Collage Jhansi
Name | Dr. Vandana Kushwaha |
Designation | Assistant Professor (Part Time) |
Qualification | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
Specialization | Reality sense in the stories of Mohan Rakesh |
Experience | 11 Years |
Address | Gram Post Baghaira Tahrauli, Jhansi, U.P. | | |
Mobile No : | 9452119856 |